Greetings and welcome to the Plattsburgh United Methodist Church Website. We’re happy you are visiting and we hope you enjoy learning about our church.
At Plattsburgh United Methodist Church we value being a loving and caring community of faith that loves to have fun together. We strive to live the teachings of Jesus as we celebrate God’s unconditional love!
Here you will find people from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives. It is my hope that if you are looking for a church home, a place and a people with whom to worship, a community of faith to explore your questions with, a safe and loving place for your children to grow, a smile, a warm welcome, etc., that you will find it here. We are a diverse community of faith that strives to serve God and our community with the love of Christ.
Sunday morning provides the cornerstone for this community. Our worship is anchored in
scripture, lifted in prayer, and enhanced by music. Sermons connect scripture to everyday life and, I hope, invite further reflection. Our hope is that during the service everyone who attends will experience the holy, be inspired, and feel the welcome of this community.
The relationship with God that we foster in worship would be hollow if it did not move us to care for our neighbors. The Plattsburgh community reaches out to serve the community, as well as the wider world.
I look forward to welcoming you in person on a Sunday morning or at one of the church’s many events. May the welcome be warm and wide, always. May the deep and abiding love of God abound in your heart and in the hearts of all. And may you experience that here.
Pastor Phil